Vive le Rock – Paul-Ronney Angel / One Ghost Town
Viva Rock magazine reviews Paul-Ronney Angel's first solo single "One Horse Town".
Viva Rock magazine reviews Paul-Ronney Angel's first solo single "One Horse Town".
Raw Ramp covers the single and video release of the band's 2020 single Living Fear.
Rock Regeneration writes an extensive review of The Urban Voodoo Machine's 2020 single Living In Fear.
Released: 2020 Tracks: Shattered Dreams Living In Fear - Scratchy Sounds busting Outta Isolation Dub Remix
RPM online made a list of new songs released during the pandemic, featuring The Urban Voodoo Machine's very own Living in Fear single.
Vive le Rock - Living In Fear Preview Vive Le Rock announce the release of Living in Fear in April 2020, as the first UK lockdown kicks in. Check out [...]
Released: 2020 Tracks: Living In Fear Stream it here: Buy It Here (Itunes) Reviews: Raw Ramp - Review Rock Regeneration - Review RPM Online - Review
Nick Dalton reviews The Urban Voodoo Machine's Friends and Family Album, Vol. 1 for Maverick magazine
Mickleton Live provides a quick rundown of what to expect from The Urban Voodoo Machine.
Davey Coyle covers the story behind the band's F***k Brexit Tour and new sinlge