Our Fifth Album $nake Oi£ Engin€ Is Released

Published On: December 9th, 2022

That time has finally come and the release of The Urban Voodoo Machine‘s 5th studio album $nakeOi£Engin€ is here. It features a diversity of 11 original songs and coincides with the 50th birthday of singer/songwriter/bandleader Paul-Ronney Angel who has this to say about the much-anticipated release:

“The album was almost finished and ready for release when lockdown happened. The world came to a stand still and so did the group! We’ve spent the last year finishing it between gigs and the 2 singles that we’ve released from it: Living In Fear and Empty Plastic Cup – both of which have gone on to become firm live favorites. I’m really looking forward to releasing this beast in to the world!”

The band have once again teamed up with accomplished producer Alex McGowan at London’s Space Eko Studios. Paul-Ronney Angel  explains “It’s really a case of, if it’s not broke don’t fix it! We’ve worked with Alex on all of our albums to date and he knows our sound and how we like it! In fact, he’s a big part of our sound!”

The Urban Voodoo Machineʼs own brand of Bourbon Soaked Gypsy Blues BopʼnʼStroll have swayed audiences all over the UK and Europe for 2 decades now and 2023 wil be their 20th Anniversary! Their fan-base is constantly growing and extremely loyal. They’ve supported and toured with a variety of artists (many of who have covered their songs) and have performed at most major festivals. In fact, theyc laim to be the only group in the world to have played both the historical Montreux Jazz Festival AND metal mecca festival Download! If you’ve ever caught the group live in action, it’s not likely you’d have forgotten it –part circus, part theatre and with a big dose of good old Rock‘n’Roll!

So here without further ado, is a track-by-track introduction to your new best friend or worst enemy!

LITTLE JIMMY & THE WRONG CROWD – He was such a good boy until he fell in with the wrong crowd. Teenage troubles, stabbings & acid attacks –it’s happening everywhere! This song also features a self-penned rap from James Brown 2 (yes that’s right, son of the man himself!)

LIVING IN FEAR – Released as a single at the start of lockdown when the whole world was literally living in fear. This song had nothing to do with the pandemic but was written for the victims of the Grenfel disaster, the Windrush scandal and the great general public who have been taking shit from the corrupt governments!

EMPTY PLASTIC CUP – You know that when The Urban Voodoo Machine start singing about ‘burning the planet at both ends’ we’re in deep trouble, right! Featuring a spoken word intro of an old Cree Indian proverb by the 9-year-old Rosa Marsh – daughter of the group’s much missed original guitarist Nick Marsh who died from cancer aged 53 in 2015.

DROPPING LIKE FLIES – Speaking of death, we’re all gonna die for sure – but some people just check-out too soon – this one’s for all the cats we miss!

HELL’S CARAVANPaul-Ronney Angel and Gary Voodoo did some volunteer work in the Calais Refugee Camp a few years back and befriended a 17-year-old kid. They next saw him at their show 6 months later in Leeds. This is the story of how he got there. Be warned, it ain’t pretty or comfortable!

GONNA RIOT TONIGHT – This song was written just after the London riots in 2011 and was kinda kept on the backburner for a while. We didn’t agree with everything that happened then but we did empathise with the frustration felt by the kids.

JANUARY BLUES – The worst month of the year surely! No-one’s got any money left, it’s bloody cold and you have to pay your taxes!

PILL-POPPING CROSS-DRESSING COPPER – Do what you want with your life – just don’t be a hypocrite!

JOHNNY FOREIGNER – We’re all ‘Bloody Foreigners‘ – this song was written as a reaction to Brexshit!

CARRY YOUR WEIGHT – Look after your friends – cherish them and carry their weight of needed. This track features our great friends Tomirae Brown, Jennie Bellestar and Norman Watt-Roy.

LAST MAN SMOKINGPaul-Ronney Angel: “Yeah, I do fucking smoke!, So does my guitar-slinging partner-in-crime Tony Diavolo – we’re great at it too!” Actually, this song has nothng to do with smoking – it’s to do with your rights being taken away from you, loneliness, despair and hope!! Loads of hope and LOVE!!!

The album’s currently available to order on CD from our webstore here and there’s vinyl on it’s way…

To stream the album, go visit your fave platform (Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Deezer, Tidal and the rest).

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Our Fifth Album $nake Oi£ Engin€ Is Released

Published On: December 9th, 2022

That time has finally come and the release of The Urban Voodoo Machine‘s 5th studio album $nakeOi£Engin€ is here. It features a diversity of 11 original songs and coincides with the 50th birthday of singer/songwriter/bandleader Paul-Ronney Angel who has this to say about the much-anticipated release:

“The album was almost finished and ready for release when lockdown happened. The world came to a stand still and so did the group! We’ve spent the last year finishing it between gigs and the 2 singles that we’ve released from it: Living In Fear and Empty Plastic Cup – both of which have gone on to become firm live favorites. I’m really looking forward to releasing this beast in to the world!”

The band have once again teamed up with accomplished producer Alex McGowan at London’s Space Eko Studios. Paul-Ronney Angel  explains “It’s really a case of, if it’s not broke don’t fix it! We’ve worked with Alex on all of our albums to date and he knows our sound and how we like it! In fact, he’s a big part of our sound!”

The Urban Voodoo Machineʼs own brand of Bourbon Soaked Gypsy Blues BopʼnʼStroll have swayed audiences all over the UK and Europe for 2 decades now and 2023 wil be their 20th Anniversary! Their fan-base is constantly growing and extremely loyal. They’ve supported and toured with a variety of artists (many of who have covered their songs) and have performed at most major festivals. In fact, theyc laim to be the only group in the world to have played both the historical Montreux Jazz Festival AND metal mecca festival Download! If you’ve ever caught the group live in action, it’s not likely you’d have forgotten it –part circus, part theatre and with a big dose of good old Rock‘n’Roll!

So here without further ado, is a track-by-track introduction to your new best friend or worst enemy!

LITTLE JIMMY & THE WRONG CROWD – He was such a good boy until he fell in with the wrong crowd. Teenage troubles, stabbings & acid attacks –it’s happening everywhere! This song also features a self-penned rap from James Brown 2 (yes that’s right, son of the man himself!)

LIVING IN FEAR – Released as a single at the start of lockdown when the whole world was literally living in fear. This song had nothing to do with the pandemic but was written for the victims of the Grenfel disaster, the Windrush scandal and the great general public who have been taking shit from the corrupt governments!

EMPTY PLASTIC CUP – You know that when The Urban Voodoo Machine start singing about ‘burning the planet at both ends’ we’re in deep trouble, right! Featuring a spoken word intro of an old Cree Indian proverb by the 9-year-old Rosa Marsh – daughter of the group’s much missed original guitarist Nick Marsh who died from cancer aged 53 in 2015.

DROPPING LIKE FLIES – Speaking of death, we’re all gonna die for sure – but some people just check-out too soon – this one’s for all the cats we miss!

HELL’S CARAVANPaul-Ronney Angel and Gary Voodoo did some volunteer work in the Calais Refugee Camp a few years back and befriended a 17-year-old kid. They next saw him at their show 6 months later in Leeds. This is the story of how he got there. Be warned, it ain’t pretty or comfortable!

GONNA RIOT TONIGHT – This song was written just after the London riots in 2011 and was kinda kept on the backburner for a while. We didn’t agree with everything that happened then but we did empathise with the frustration felt by the kids.

JANUARY BLUES – The worst month of the year surely! No-one’s got any money left, it’s bloody cold and you have to pay your taxes!

PILL-POPPING CROSS-DRESSING COPPER – Do what you want with your life – just don’t be a hypocrite!

JOHNNY FOREIGNER – We’re all ‘Bloody Foreigners‘ – this song was written as a reaction to Brexshit!

CARRY YOUR WEIGHT – Look after your friends – cherish them and carry their weight of needed. This track features our great friends Tomirae Brown, Jennie Bellestar and Norman Watt-Roy.

LAST MAN SMOKINGPaul-Ronney Angel: “Yeah, I do fucking smoke!, So does my guitar-slinging partner-in-crime Tony Diavolo – we’re great at it too!” Actually, this song has nothng to do with smoking – it’s to do with your rights being taken away from you, loneliness, despair and hope!! Loads of hope and LOVE!!!

The album’s currently available to order on CD from our webstore here and there’s vinyl on it’s way…

To stream the album, go visit your fave platform (Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Deezer, Tidal and the rest).

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